Clenz Formulas
Clenz your system from the inside-out with the powers of wild edible herb/spice oils.
Our bodies are contaminated with a wide ramie of chemicals, heavy metals and other poisons.
We need the power of wild cleansing herbs and spices to drive the toxins out of our bodies.
Learn which clenz formulas are best for your needs.
GreenFlush Supports liver, gallbladder, and digestive health. GreenFlush is a raw, cold-pressed, stabilized greens extract made from wild dandelion, burdock, chickweed
and nettles. It is never heated, so it is rich in natural enzymes. GreenFlush is high in vitamins K, A and especially riboflavin.
It supports the natural detoxification process and healthy bowel movements.
More information on GreenFlush
CranFlush supports kidney, bladder, and prostate function. CranFlush is a wild, raw, cold-pressed high bush cranberry extract that is full of
flavonoids. It is never heated. This is why it is so potent. CranFlush is great for all ages and supports the cleanliness and
healthy function of the entire renal and urinary systems. The ideal natural kidney and bladder flush.
BerriesFlush supports cleansing, blood health, and vision. BerriesFlush is a combination of raw, cold-pressed, stabilized,
wild mountain berries, including wild cranberries, blueberries and black currants. It is never heated. Thus, the flavonoids and
antioxidants in this formula are natural. BerriesFlush is high in natural vitamins, minerals, and flavonoids, which can help stimulate
a natural and soothing cleansing response from the body.
Total Body Purge
Dr. Ingram's Food For Health!
Click here to view the video clip of Dr. Ingram talking about Total Body Purge.
Total Body Purge(TotalFlush) naturally supports energy,strength digestion, and metabolism by cleansing toxins and heavy metals from the body. This is the only whole food raw natural cleansing formula. It purges toxins from liver, gallbladder, colon, and kidneys. It even help cleanse the blood. The liver is the storage depot of toxins. A healthy liver means a heathy body. Total Body Purge also helps mourish the body,since it is rich in natural polyphenols, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. Keeping the body clean of toxins supports overall health.
Suggested Usage: 1 tablespoon. 1 bottle contain 24 serving.
Ingredients: cold pressed black seed oil,wild raw high bush cranberry extract,wild raw dandelion leaf extract, wild burdock leaf,wild nettles extract,wild fireweed/clintonian extract,wild sage oil,wild rosmary oil,fennel oil,cilantro oil.
LivaClenz is a proprietary combination of unique, edible essential oils designed to support
liver function. Coriander, bay leaf, cumin, rosemary and sage oils in extra virgin olive oil
are helpful in detoxification of the liver. Can be taken daily by drops or added to a mixture
of olive oil and lemon juice as a fortifier for liver flush.
More information on LivaClenz
ViraClenz helps to support the immune system in the fight against viruses, which are a major
cause of illness. Only the finest quality, mountain grown, wild, edible essential oils are used
in this blend. Oregano, sage, cinnamon and bay leaf oils are extracted with natural steam and
mixed with olive oil a,: a carrier. Can be taken by drops under the tongue.
Fung-E Clenz
Fung-E Clenz is formulated by a physician specializing in the treatment of fungal disorders.
Essential oils of myrtle, sage, cumin and oregano along with olive oil are used in this blend.
Modern research proves the antifungal powers of certain essential oils. Using these oils in a
carefully designed ratio offers the greatest immune support in the fight against fungi.
More information on Fung-E Clenz
KldneeClenz contains wild oils of juniper, myrtle and fennel in e.v. olive oil. Designed to support
bladder and kidney function as well as cleanse the blood. These organs help the body remove a
wide variety of toxic waste chemicals. KidneeClenz helps to keep them free of infestation.
More information on KidneeClenz
SkinClenz is a nourishing oil blend that feeds the skin with natural, essential plant extracts.
It possesses tremendous cleansing actions from rosemary, lavender, borage, myrtle, grapeseed and
olive oils. It can be used both topically and internally.
RespiraClenz is a concentrate of wild, mountain grown plant oils, which support lung and bronchial
function. This completely safe formula helps keep your respiratory system clean naturally. Used
in this product, oils of rosemary, bay leaf and oregano with fine olive oil are free of all
chemicals and additives. Take drops internally and/or inhale the fumes.
IntestiClenz contains spice extracts proven to strengthen and cleanse the digestive tract. Stomach
and intestines can greatly benefit from using wild and high mountain edible essential oils of cumin,
fennel and oregano with fine olive oil. Take it by drops.
CardioClenz naturally cleanses the heart and arteries plus supports vein function. This unique blend
contains powerful, edible essential oils of celery seed, basil and juniper in a base of finest
pumpkinseed oil. Drops can be taken in liquids or directly under the tongue.
ScalpClenz helps to maintain healthy hair and scalp using the powers of wild and mountain grown
essential herbal oils. Simply rub a small amount of this powerful oil combination on the scalp
whenever needed. The mild warmth sensation is an indication of its immense action.
More information on ScalpClenz
ProstaClenz capsules support the health of the prostate. The main ingredient is a special type of
powdered pumpkinseed oil made from Styrian pumpkins grown in Austria. Researched in Europe, Alpine
pumpkinseeds have proven to provide an excellent action upon the prostate. Wild rosemary, oregano,
and St. John's wort powders are added to fortify this unique blend.
More information on ProstaClenz
Purchase Clenz Formulas