Oregamax by North American Herb & Spice is the original wild oregano supplement. It contains a type of wild oregano that has the most ancient history known.
In fact, when you take Oregamax, you are consuming the same ancient substance known as the hyssop of the Bible. It is the
same substance which Mamonides, the famous Jewish physician of Islamic Spain, said is the "hyssop of the Law." Yet, Mamonides
as well as the modern researcher Fleisher knew that the hyssop of the mountains is, in fact, wild oregano. Is this pungent,
hot-tasting, wild oregano the Burning Bush of Moses, as described by Bible researcher Earl Smith? Only time will tell.
Oregamax is the ideal tonic for virtually anyone desiring strong herbal support. It tastes strong (but it is lovely) and
is a source of tremendous herbal strength. Oregamax is made from wild oregano found in the deep Mediterranean mountains and
is the only guaranteed wild Mediterranean oregano product. The wild oregano in Oregamax offers a rich array of strength-promoting
flavonoids not found in the oil. It also contains Rhus coriaria, which is a mountain berry. This berry is a rich source of anti-allergy
flavonoids, particularly malic, tannic and gallic acids. It also provides naturally occurring vitamin C. Finally, organic garlic and
onion are added to accelerate the herbal powers. Oregamax is a village formula, and it has been used for thousands of years.
The wild oregano in Oregamax is an excellent source of special, powerful substances known as phenolic acids. When you need herbal
strength quickly, this is the formula to rely upon, because these phenolic acids are readily used by the body to enhance health.
It is also a top source of natural calcium, zinc, copper and phosphorus; in fact, the plant grows right out of white, rocky, mineral-rich soil.
Why You Should Take Oregamax
Ideal for daily immune support balanced digestion, and even improved bone
density, this is the whole wild herb with all the native whole herb substances
in the original form. This is the original wild oregano formula made exclusively
from the undiluted whole herb. The source of this supplement is the wild leaf.
This is the maximum strength unprocessed herb. This wild oregano grows on rock,
so it is high in minerals, up to 10% by dry weight. It is particularly high in
calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, and zinc, minerals desperately needed by
the human body. In contrast to synthetic types these herbal minerals are readily
absorbed. OregaMax is the maximum strength wild herb versus the diluted type,
which is the type available in supermarkets.
In contrast to the oil, which is an extract, the OregaMax is unprocessed, so
it contains the full complement of substances found in wild oregano. These
substances include vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, and crude essential oils. For
best results anyone taking the oil should also take the crude herb to gain these
additional components. Plus, OregaMax is fortified with a special herb, Rhus
corioria, which is naturally added by the villagers. This herb supplies
therapeutic organic acids, for instance, malic, tanrric, and gallic acids, plus
vitamin C, which helps boosts the nutritional value of wild oregano. Thus, the
OregaMax is a complete mineral- and nutrient-rich whole food-a true food
supplement used for thousands of years. What's more, this is the true Origanum
syriacum: biblical hyssop.
Unique Benefits Of Oregamax
- OregaMax is the original and only totally unprocessed raw, wild oregano
supplement available
- It is fortified with another natural herb/berry, Rhus coriaria, which provides much
needed organic acids, plus vitamin C, which help fortify oregano
- OregaMax is also fortified with organic garlic and onion, which act
synergistically with the oregano
- This is a top source of naturally occurring minerals and may be used as a mineral
supplement; when taking OregaMax there is no need to take a multiple mineral;
for additional natural minerals add Resvital
- OregaMax is the ideal form of wild oregano for supporting the immune health, the
digestive tract, and the bones/muscles
- It is the ideal form for those with sensitive systems, as well as young children,
who eat solids, pregnant women, and pets; this is the most gentle form to give as a
daily supplement to pets and small children; completely safe for pregnant women
How to Use Oregamax
Take two capsules once or, preferably, twice daily with meals or on an empty stomach. For greater herbal power,
take three caps two or three times daily. This wild oregano is safe and valuable.
OregaMax capsules may be taken as a food supplement, but may also be opened
and added to food. It's the perfect way to feed your children! It is the ideal food additive to enliven and enrich any dish,
especially soups, stir fry, cheese dips, and salads. It makes a great meat rub
and it gives a unique flavor to any homemade salad dressings, dips, and
This is the ideal type of oregano for pets and tiny children, that is
children eating solid foods. Also, it is a great addition to pet foods. This
whole unprocessed herb, or rather, food, supports the health of the immune
system, lymphatic system, cardiovascular system as well as the digestive system
and bones. Remember always that OregaMax is a natural calcium supplement. It is,
incredibly, nearly sixteen times as dense in this nutrient as milk, and twice as
dense as cheese. Thus, it is the densest source of naturally occurring calcium,
as well as phosphorous, available sauces.
Protocol for the Use of Oregamax Capsules
Oregamax is 100% safe. It is safer than eating commercial food. It is safer than fried food, commercial wheat bread, soda pop, etc.
It is safe for all ages. The only side effect is that the individual might achieve an unexpected degree of wellness.
Oregamax is the original wild oregano supplement, modeled after research done at Cornell University. It is the only oregano
supplement containing exclusively the wild, high-mountain, Mediterranean oregano species known as Bible Hyssop.
- To cleanse the system of impurities, take two or three capsules three times daily. Start slowly, like one cap twice daily and work
the amount up. A cleansing reaction flu-like symptoms, while rare, can occur, because wild oregano activates stagnant immune systems.
Do the cleanse for at least one month.
- For tough situations, take two or three capsules several times daily. Continue this as long as needed.
- For a history of food/water poisoning by germs or chemicals, follow step #1 above. For severe food/water poisoning,
continue this protocol for two months. For additional cleansing power, add Liva Clenz or Juice of Oregano. Follow instructions on the bottle.
- As a maintenance, take two to four capsules daily.
For best results, take Oregamax whenever using oil of oregano!
Purchase Oregamax