prostate health and much more
North American Herb & Spice
Nutritionally rich, powerful and full of natural essential fatty acids and antioxidants,
Pumpkinol is the most unique type of pumpkinseed oil ever. This is the original coldpressed
and extra virgin pumpkinseed oil. Phytosterins, powerful natural substances
present in pumpkinseed oil, protect the prostate gland from aging and disease.
These substances also boost the health of female glands, especially the breast and
ovaries. European research proves Austrian pumpkinseed oil helps reverse the
symptoms of mild to moderate prostate swelling.
Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are crucial for glandular health. Crude Austrian
pumpkinseed oil is nearly 50% EFAs, plus the oil is an excellent source of naturally
occurring vitamin E, carotenoids, and fat soluble chlorophyll, all of which help correct
nutritional imbalances. This essential fatty acid-rich oil is ideal for healthy skin, nails,
and hair.
Pumpkinol is fortified with essential oils of fennel and rosemary. These oils are
known to be highly beneficial for maintaining healthy digestion, circulation and
hormonal balance as well as supporting immune function.
Use Pumpkinol to support prostate health, boost nutritional needs and balance the
hormone system. Take it as an essential fatty acid and skin tonic.
Take one or two tablespoons daily. Add Pumpkinol to salads, soup, vegetables or
other food.
Note: See your physician first. Product not designed to cure any conditions.
Purchase Pumpkinol